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Lentes de prueba del ojo

Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona (1992). Ophthalmology specialty via MIR at Bellvitge University Hospital (1994 - 1997).


Doctorate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2007) with the qualification of excellent cum laude. Extraordinary doctoral award.


Head of Retina department of the Ophtalmology service at Bellvitge University Hospital.


Aggregate professor of Ophtalmology at the University of Barcelona.


Principal Investigator in numerous national and international clinical trials. Main areas of interest: age-related macular degeneration, myopia, diabetic retinopathy, cataract surgery, and retinal and vitreous surgery.


Member of American Academy of Ophthalmology, European Society of Retina Specialists (Euretina), Spanish Society of Retina and Vitreous, Spanish Society of Ophthalmology and Catalan Society of Ophthalmology.


Lluís Arias Barquet

Mª Teresa Garcia Rodríguez

Marco de ensayo del ojo

Doctor specialist in Diagnostic Imaging

Marta Carbonell Puerto

Marco de ensayo del ojo

Administrative assistant with twenty years of experience in medical consultation

Lentes de prueba del ojo

Administrative assistant with fifteen years of experience in medical consultation

Sonia Moreno Martínez

© 2020 Dr. Lluís Arias Barquet

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